Welcome to Highland Mystic

Mystic Poetry, Stories & Tales

from Loch Ness & Beyond


Highland Mystic

This is what I believe to be true. I have learnt that truth can be many things to many people. On these pages, in the realms of the poems, stories and mystery, is a labyrinth, a way that is chosen by you. Perceptions will be challenged, inner doors will be opened and the mystic will be tapped to bring you a broader perspective on the intricacies of a complex universe. 

Highland Mystic has more than one form, it’s something bourne on the wind, woven into the very fabric of the Highlands where I was born. It is the present, the past, the future, it lives in me, the plants, animals, hills & glen, the fish trees, the bracken, heather and mountains.

Highland Mystic is more than one thing. It is the tangible, brought forth through the form of an ancient carved crystal, a gateway to channel universal energy. While also Highland Mystic is the energy itself, a primeval power that has flowed through the Highlands of Scotland for millennia.

Hold and embrace all, as they will you, knowing we don’t have to know everything…

(well not just yet!)

In 2012 I was given something different that focused and amplified an intense energy, that I knew was always all around me, and in me. It was made from a medium, I had studied, worked with, engineered, all my professional life, crystal. 

In practical terms, crystal is a material that channels, transmits and receives energy. Used in ultrasound, a wide array of sensors and computer technology, there is no doubt that there is a practical, scientifically grounded use for crystals. But what about other energies, that we see glimpses of in the world of Quantum science? Energies that dumbfound and contradict the scientific community. 

It is this bridge between known and unknown that we explore, in a most unconventional way, on these Mystic pages 

What was the “something” I was given in 2012?  It was a smoky quartz (Cairngorm) crystal, perfectly shaped into the life-size form of a human skull.

This, I was to learn, would turn on & tune in, to the Mystical energies of the Highlands. Those energies, I named Highland Mystic, and because they are all channelled through this crystal skull, it too is named Highland Mystic.

Highland Mystic emits exchanges, experiences, a feeling of essence deep down inside The written Word, the Pictures and the Voice will evoke triggers within you, sparking hidden memories and encouraging you to dig deeper, to search deeper into the labyrinth. 

Please enjoy Highland Mystic, may it bless you with, joy, comfort, healing, & generosity of spirit. May it make you laugh and cry, releasing those emotions that make you, you

Thank you for reading,

Highland Mystic

Take my cloak & wrap it around thee,
May the water of life blessed & free